Welcome To Lift Plastic Surgery
At Lift Plastic Surgery in Houston, Dr. Shitel Patel performs a variety of plastic surgery procedures and non-surgical procedures. As a double board-certified, caring plastic surgeon, Dr. Patel helps people attain the physical and facial characteristics they desire.
Dream Of A New You
Plastic Surgery has the ability to change your life, through increasing your self-confidence and self-image. We will use a powerful combination of the most advanced and safest technologies to individualize a package of services and procedures to achieve your dream results.
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Houston Plastic Surgeon

Shitel D. Patel, MD
Cosmetic, Plastic &
Reconstructive Surgeon
Founder + CEO
Lipo 360
For as low as $170 / month
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Patient Story
This is an 80-year-old female patient who lost some facial volume over the years and chose Lift Plastic Surgery because she wanted a more youthful look. To address her concerns she underwent a FaceLift with Fat Grafting to the Face and Lips.
Patient Story
This 28-year-old female patient came to our office for her breast augmentation. She went with 415cc Implants and is shown in these photos pre and post-operatively.

Patient Story
This 60-year-old female patient came to Lift Plastic Surgery with concerns of excess skin laxity of her neck. She underwent a NeckLift to transform her confidence and is shown 6 weeks post-operatively in these photos.
Patient Story
Congratulations to our beautiful patient on losing 120 lbs!
This is a 33-year-old female who underwent a Tummy Tuck in combination with Liposuction to her flanks after she dropped an astounding 120 lbs. Congratulations to her on an amazing transformation!

Patient Story
This is a 19-year-old female patient who underwent a Breast Reduction in which 330g were removed from her right breast and 190g were removed from her left breast.
Houston Plastic Surgeons
At Lift Plastic Surgery in Houston, Dr. Shitel Patel performs a variety of plastic surgery procedures and nonsurgical procedures. As an experienced, caring plastic surgeon, Dr. Patel helps people attain the physical and facial characteristics they desire.
Breast Enhancement Procedures Performed by Plastic Surgeons in Houston
As a natural part of life, the size and shape of a woman’s breasts change. Various factors cause these breast changes, including gravity, the natural aging process, weight gain, weight loss and pregnancy. In order to address unwanted breast changes, some women choose to consult with a plastic surgeon at Lift Plastic Surgery to learn more about the breast enhancement procedures that are available in Houston.
Breast Augmentations
Women who want to increase the size and shape of their breasts may be good candidates for a breast augmentation in Houston (aka an augmentation mammoplasty). This surgical procedure is designed to help women attain the larger, more shapely breast characteristics they desire.
During a breast augmentation, plastic surgeons use breast implants to increase the size of and improve the shape of a patient’s breasts. Women who would like a slight increase in size may want to consider having fat transferred instead of breast implants.
A plastic surgeon also performs breast augmentation procedures with breast implants to address breast deformities or defects, following the removal of the breasts due to cancer or after a patient has risk reduction surgery.
Risk reduction surgery is a preventative procedure that some women who know they have a high risk of developing breast cancer choose to have. These women usually find out they are at a higher risk after having a blood or saliva specimen analyzed to determine if they have inherited an abnormal gene. The genes that are usually checked for mutations include the BRCA1, BRCA2 and PALB2 genes.
Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation
Women who would like to have breasts that are slightly larger with a more natural-looking result than can be achieved with breast implants may be good candidates for a fat transfer breast augmentation.
During a fat transfer breast augmentation, the plastic surgeon uses liposuction to harvest fat from other areas of the patient’s body. Common fat harvesting areas include the abdomen, flanks, thighs and hips.
After retrieval, the strong fat cells are separated from the weak fat cells and then the plastic surgeon strategically injects the fat cells into the breasts.
During this plastic surgery procedure, breast defects can be filled in, smoothing the breasts.
Women who do not have enough excess fat on their bodies for this procedure may want to consider having small breast implants placed.
A breast augmentation using autologous fat can be performed with other plastic surgery procedures.
Breast Auto-Augmentation
Women who would like to have their breasts lifted, without implant insertion may be good candidates for a breast auto-augmentation. This plastic surgery technique may be used to reshape the patient’s breast tissue to improve the appearance of the breast without using a breast implant.
Extreme weight loss leads to specific breast changes; a plastic surgeon performs a breast auto-augmentation procedure to address these changes.
Women who are satisfied with their current breast size or would like them to be slightly smaller may be good candidates for this procedure.
A Breast Explant Procedure (Breast Implant Removal)
A breast enhancement procedure with breast implants offers patients longevity, however, these implants are not necessarily life-long devices, therefore, at some point, an explant procedure is likely.
A woman may choose to remove her original breast implants to have them replaced with a newer model or she may decide to remove them without replacement.
Breast Lift
As a natural part of the aging process, gravity causes a woman’s breasts to droop. Also, mothers who breastfed their babies may notice that their breasts appear to be deflated. Whether a woman’s breasts droop or appear deflated, a plastic surgeon can address both issues with a mastopexy (aka a breast lift).
A Breast Lift with an Augmentation
Women who have pendulous breasts that they feel are too small should consider a breast lift with an augmentation. During this procedure, the plastic surgeon moves the breast mounds higher on the patient’s chest and then inserts breast implants to increase their size. In addition, the surgeon can reduce the size of the patient’s nipple-areola complexes.
Breast Reduction
Frequently, women who have overly large breasts find it difficult to perform certain tasks (e.g., pulling clothes out of the washer) and participate in physically demanding activities (e.g., jogging, playing volleyball, riding a bike, etc.). These women also suffer with a variety of physical symptoms, which typically include neck pain, back pain, headaches, rashes and difficulty breathing while lying on their backs. At Lift Plastic Surgery in Houston, Dr. Shitel Patel performs breast reduction procedures to help women feel more comfortable about the size of their breasts, to reduce or eliminate the pain they are experiencing, to make it possible for them to perform daily tasks and to participate in the physical activities they enjoy.
Surgery for Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction Surgery
Gynecomastia, which is a condition referring to enlarged male breasts, may result due to a hormone imbalance, from taking certain medications, as part of the natural aging process and due to health conditions that affect hormone levels.
At Lift Plastic Surgery in Houston, Dr. Patel helps men who have enlarged breasts feel good about the way they look by performing gynecomastia surgery.
Gynecomastia surgery may include liposuction as well as direct excision of fat. Men with excess tissue and sagging skin will need to have a more extensive procedure, which is referred to as a male breast reduction.
Breast Reconstruction
Breast reconstruction surgery is performed following a mastectomy, which is the procedure used to remove cancerous tumors in the breasts. After removing the tumors, the patient then works with a cancer specialist (i.e., an oncologist) who orders cancer treatments for the patient. A plastic surgeon can work hand-in-hand with the breast surgeon to reconstruct the patient’s breasts.
Deep Inferior Epigastric Flap (Diep Flap) Breast Reconstruction
With this revolutionary breast reconstruction procedure, plastic surgeons use the patient’s own tissue to reconstruct one or both breasts. To accomplish this the plastic surgeons at Houston’s Lift Plastic Surgery harvest skin from another area of the body. The abdomen is frequently used for this purpose because the part of the body for harvesting must have an adequate amount of skin and fat to create the patient’s breast. This collected tissue is referred to as the flap.
After collection, the plastic surgeon connects the flap to the veins and arteries in the chest. This connection is vital to ensure the flap survives in its new location.
Pre-Pectoral Reconstruction
Pre-Pectoral Reconstruction is another type of breast reconstruction surgery. Lift Plastic Surgery is proud to be one of the few practices in and around Houston to offer this exciting new procedure.
Following a mastectomy, tissue expanders or implants are placed beneath the chest muscle to assist with camouflaging the breast implant or tissue expander, which may be visible due to how thin the breast skin is following a mastectomy. However, with Pre-Pectoral Reconstruction, acellular dermal matrix (ADM) is used to cover the entire implant or expander. By using ADM, the patient’s own tissue quality improves and thickens.
Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)
People living in warmer climates frequently wear sleeveless tops, so, to ensure they look their very best, people want their arms to appear lean, toned and well-defined. Nonetheless, for some, accomplishing this task can be extremely challenging. At Lift Plastic Surgery in Houston, plastic surgeons perform arm lifts to help patients attain the leaner, more defined-looking arms they desire.
Individuals with excess fat that they would like removed may only need to have a liposuction procedure to reach their goal.
Those with excess fat and very little excess skin may be good candidates for a limited brachioplasty with liposuction.
Individuals who have a significant amount of excess skin may be good candidates for liposuction with a full brachioplasty. This is the procedure that is frequently performed following massive weight loss.
Body Lift
During a body lift Dr. Shitel Patel tightens the patient’s abdominal muscles, raise the skin of the hips, buttocks and thighs, remove excess tissue and skin from the lower back, abdomen and waist.
A body lift is ideal for individuals who have lost a substantial amount of weight. In addition, women who have loose skin resulting from pregnancy and those with sagging skin due to aging may also be good candidates for a body lift.
The circumferential body lift is a procedure in which the plastic surgeon performs a lower body lift and a tummy tuck (aka abdominoplasty) during the same surgical session.
BodyTite™ by InMode
BodyTite™ by InMode is one of the most advanced, minimally-invasive methods available for body contouring. BodyTite™ uses radiofrequency-assisted lipolysis (RFAL) to address excess fat and to tighten loose skin. RFAL liquefies the excess fat and then removes it while stimulating the body to produce collagen, which helps the skin contract.
With BodyTite™ by InMode patients enjoy exceptional results that are visible directly after their treatment. Prior to BodyTite™ to achieve the same results, patients would need to have a more invasive surgical procedure (e.g., an arm lift or a tummy tuck).
BodyTite™ can also help individuals who have excess skin due to genetics, aging or from massive weight loss.
Areas of the body frequently treated with BodyTite™ include the arms, breasts, abdomen, knees, hips and thighs.
Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)
Individuals who would like a more curvaceous derriere may want to consider having a Brazilian Butt Lift. During this procedure the plastic surgeon harvests fat from other parts of the body to transfer into the buttocks. Areas frequently targeted for harvesting include the back, thighs, waist and abdominal area.
After attaining the fat via liposuction, it is processed to separate the strong fat cells from the weaker ones. The stronger cells are collected and the plastic surgeon strategically injects the fat cells into the buttocks: Injection location is based strictly on the results a patient desires.
Once the procedure is complete, the patient enjoys a more curvaceous backside as well as more tone-looking areas where the fat was harvested from.
Liposuction is not considered a tool for weight loss, therefore, individuals interested in having this procedure should be at a healthy, stable weight.
Liposuction can be used to contour and sculpt many different areas of the body, including areas that are resistant to diet and exercise.
Excess Skin Removal Following Massive Weight Loss
The number of people choosing to have bariatric surgery for weight loss continues to grow. Once the patient loses a substantial amount of weight, he or she is left with a significant amount of excess skin.
This excess skin can make exercising difficult. In addition, since this skin continuously sits atop the skin beneath it, moisture develops. This moisture can cause the development of sores, chafing, infections, foul odors and rashes that itch. Finding clothes that fit properly can also be challenging.
After working hard to lose all their additional weight and then being left with loose skin that they, themselves, cannot address can lead to disappointment. However, these individuals are usually great candidates for a plastic surgery procedure to remove the excess skin.
Mommy Makeover
Without a doubt, having a child is one of the greatest joys in life. Nonetheless, pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding can all take a toll on a mother’s body. For this reason, a group of procedures specifically designed to address the areas of the body that are affected by pregnancy and motherhood has been created. This grouping is called a mommy makeover.
Dr. Shitel Patel is a plastic surgeon at Lift Plastic Surgery who help women address the issues resulting from pregnancy so they can regain their pre-pregnancy bodies. Another benefit of the mommy makeover is that many mothers feel more confident after their procedures.
Thigh Lift
This procedure is designed for individuals who have excess tissue and skin on their thighs.
Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)
A tummy tuck is a plastic surgery procedure designed to address lax skin and separated muscles in the abdomen.
During a tummy tuck, a plastic surgeon can remove as much as 10 pounds of excess skin.
Women who have had a baby frequently want a tummy tuck because of the loose skin that remains on their abdomens and weakened or separated abdominal muscles (i.e., diastasis recti) resulting from their pregnancy.
At Lift Plastic Surgery in Houston plastic surgeon Dr. Shitel Patel performs tummy tucks for men and women who are interested in having a firmer, tighter-looking abdominal area.
Brow Lift
As part of the natural aging process, wrinkles form on the forehead and the tissues begin to sag, causing the eyebrows to seem as if they are lower on the face. In addition, the upper eyelids may appear puffy or look like the skin is thicker than it really is. At Lift Plastic Surgery, plastic surgeons can improve the appearance of the eyebrows, forehead and upper eyelids with a brow lift.
Chin Augmentation (Genioplasty)
The chin assists with balancing the facial features, especially when considering an individual’s profile. For this reason, many patients are choosing to add a chin augmentation to their face lift, rhinoplasty (aka cosmetic nose surgery) or jaw surgery. Adding a genioplasty to any of these procedures can positively impact the results.
Ear Surgery (Otoplasty)
The outer portion of the ear consists of cartilage and sometimes this cartilage is misshapen. Issues that can be addressed with plastic surgery include prominent ears, a folded or cupped upper ear as well as missing natural folds. Dr. Patel is a experienced plastic surgeon at Lift Plastic Surgery who performs ear surgery to address each of these issues.
Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)
Drooping upper eyelids can make an individual look tired, sick or exhausted and sagging lower eyelids frequently cause eye irritation.
Individuals who have drooping upper eyelids, a lax upper eyelid that negatively affects his or her vision, sagging lower eyelids, hollowing beneath the eyes or eye bags, should consider having a blepharoplasty.
At Lift Plastic Surgery, Dr. Shitel Patel performs eyelid surgery to address all these issues, rejuvenating the patient’s eyes so that he or she will appear more youthful and refreshed following the procedure.
Facelift (Rhytidectomy)
Collagen is the main structural protein responsible for keeping the skin firm and flexible, however, as a natural part of the aging process the body’s production of collagen slows.
Upon reaching the age of 20, collagen production begins to decrease by 1 percent every year.
There are also lifestyle choices (e.g., smoking and a diet high in sugar, etc.) as well as life circumstances (e.g., menopause, etc.) that can decrease collagen production even more.
Less collagen in the skin means that it will become thinner, elasticity will be lost, resulting in loose skin that sags and wrinkles. Furthermore, the fat and muscles in the face also begin to fall, sliding down the face. Each of these issues can be addressed during a facelift. Following this procedure, patients enjoy a more youthful, refreshed-looking face with beautiful contours.
Dr. Patel accomplishes this by repositioning the muscles and fat of the face, and strategically removing excess skin before closing the incisions. While closing the incisions, the plastic surgeon will reduce the number of wrinkles a patient has following surgery by gently pulling the skin taut.
Fat grafting can be performed during a facelift to fill in hollow-looking areas and any deep furrows that the facelift is unable to address.
Facial Fat Grafting
Fat grafting, which is also referred to as autologous fat transfer, is used to fill-in, plump and rejuvenate areas all over the body, including the face.
With facial fat grafting, plastic surgeons smooth lines and wrinkles by filling in these areas with fat harvested from another area of the body. Although dermal fillers can also be used to address these issues, facial fat grafting usually requires from just one to three sessions and the results last indefinitely, whereas, dermal fillers must be injected every six to 12 months.
FaceTite™ by InMode
Loose skin around the face, chin and neck can be addressed with FaceTite™, which is a minimally-invasive alternative to a surgical facelift.
FaceTite™ uses radiofrequency energy (RF energy) to address skin laxity by tightening the facial skin. In addition, this procedure reduces the amount of fat in the face and the chin, which results in a tighter, thinner, beautifully contoured face. Areas frequently treated with FaceTite™ include the chin, cheeks, jawline and neck.
With this revolutionary minimally-invasive procedure, patients can enjoy many of the results achieved with a surgical facelift.
Jaw Surgery (Orthognathic Surgery)
When there is a minor issue with the jaw that needs to be addressed, orthodontic procedures are used, however, more significant cases require orthognathic surgery. This surgery is performed when an individual’s upper and lower jaws are not fitting together properly, which negatively affects the alignment of the teeth.
Orthognathic surgery can be performed on just one jaw or both jaws. This surgery is designed to help the individual breathe better, speak better and chew better. In addition, misaligned jaws can influence the way that an individual looks.
After orthognathic surgery patients enjoy more harmonious facial features, an improved profile, as well as positive changes in how the lips and nose look.
Whether an individual was born with uneven jaws, experienced uneven growth due to some other issue (e.g., a cleft lip and palate, etc.) or suffered a trauma that resulted in uneven jaws, Dr. Shitel Patel can help.
Neck Lift (Lower Rhytidectomy)
A neck lift is a plastic surgery procedure that is used to address the signs of aging in the neck and jawline. Issues addressed during this plastic surgery procedure include the lax skin and excess fat that has accumulated along the jawline, fat deposits beneath the chin, muscle banding and loose skin in the neck, including the turkey wattle.
During a neck lift, the plastic surgeon repositions or removes excess fat from the jowls, tightens the platysma muscle, removes excess skin and repositions the tissue beneath the skin.
Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)
A rhinoplasty is used to address characteristics of the nose that an individual finds unpleasant. In addition, a rhinoplasty can be performed to improve the function of the nose.
All over the world individuals are choosing to have plastic surgery to attain the facial and physical characteristics they desire. The rhinoplasty procedure ranks as one of the top procedures performed.
Emsculpt® reduces fat while improving the patient’s muscle mass and tone. Patients enjoy a firmer set of buttocks and a flatter abdominal area.
Lift Plastic Surgery is proud to be a premiere Emsculpt® provider in Houston. Emsculpt® is an FDA-approved procedure that induces supramaximal muscle contractions using high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy.
In-Office Injectables and Fillers
At Lift Plastic Surgery in Houston, patients can choose from an array of non-surgical rejuvenation options for the face. The issues injectables and fillers can address include fine lines, wrinkles, contour irregularities and hollowing (volume loss).
BOTOX® Cosmetic
BOTOX® Cosmetic temporarily improves the appearance of moderate to severe crow’s feet and the lines that develop between the eyebrows just above the bridge of the nose. BOTOX® Cosmetic works by keeping the muscles responsible for creating these facial characteristics from moving. Results last about four months.
Kybella degrades fat cells making it the perfect solution for addressing a double chin. Kybella is also used on the neck. It is extremely effective on underarm and bra fat as well. The number of treatments necessary varies depending on the area being targeted.
Typically, there are two to four injection sites. The plastic surgeon uses a cannula (thin tube) to administer the injection.
Each Kybella treatment is six weeks apart and the number of treatments necessary to reach the patient’s goal varies. The patient can need anywhere from two to six treatments. After treatment with Kybella, since the fat cells are degraded, the area does not accumulate fat.
Dermal Fillers
At Lift Plastic Surgery patients also have access to the newest and most effective dermal fillers available. With dermal fillers, Dr. Patel can rejuvenate, restore and improve facial characteristics to provide a patient with the look he or she desires. Administered properly by an experienced injector, these products provide patients with beautiful, natural-looking results.
Some of the brands available at Lift Plastic Surgery in Houston include:
Restylane Products – Hyaluronic Acid Fillers – Must Be At Least 21 Years of Age
- Restylane Defyne – designed to be used on moderate to severe wrinkles and folds (including the nasolabial folds). Results last up to 12 months.
- Restylane Refyne – designed to be used on mild to moderate general lines and wrinkles. Results last up to 12 months.
- Restylane Silk – for use around the lips, to soften and fill lines as well as to add volume to the lips. Lasts up to 10 months.
- Restylane Lyft – for cheek augmentation, addressing nasolabial folds and correcting changes to the midface resulting from aging. Lasts up to 10 months.
Juvéderm Products – Hyaluronic Acid Fillers – Must Be At Least 21 Years of Age
- Juvéderm and Juvéderm Ultra – used to address moderate to severe facial folds and wrinkles. Results last up to 12 months.
- Juvéderm Voluma XC – adds volume to the cheeks to contour and lift them. Results last up to 24 months.
- Juvéderm Vollure XC – moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, including the nasolabial folds (i.e., smile lines). Results last up to 18 months.
- Juvéderm Volbella XC – used to add volume to the lips and address perioral lines (aka smoker’s lines) around the mouth. Results last up to 12 months.
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy
Plasma collected from the patient’s own blood can be used to rejuvenate the face or promote hair growth. PRP is used to improve acne scars, skin texture, fine lines and wrinkles. PRP can also be used to rejuvenate the neck, cheeks, hands and undereye area. Patients receive two or three treatments spaced four to six weeks apart.
At Lift plastic Surgery PRP can be used simultaneously with fillers or with autologous fat injections to add longevity to the fillers or increase the number of fat cells that are retained.
Aesthetician Services
- Chemical Peels.
- Laser Hair Removal.
- Skin Tightening with Morpheus 8.
Medspa Appointment
- Laser Treatments for the Face.
- Body Waxing Services for Both Men and Women.
- Skincare Services and SkinCeutical’s Revolutionary Products.
Skin Cancer Treatment
Individuals who know they are at an increased risk for developing skin cancer need to pay close attention to any changes in the appearance of existing moles while watching for new skin irregularities. Some patients find it helpful to take photos of their moles with their cell phones. This makes monitoring them in between professional visits much easier.
Mohs Reconstruction
The American Cancer Society states that more than 5 million cases of skin cancer are diagnosed every year and these numbers are climbing. In fact, one in five Americans will develop skin cancer at some point in their life, with 80 percent of these cancers developing on the face, neck and head.
Following surgery to remove skin cancer, some patients are left with unsightly scars. At Lift Plastic Surgery, Dr. Patel performs Mohs reconstruction procedures to aesthetically improve the wound or damage resulting from Mohs surgery.
Hernia Reconstruction
When a hole in the abdominal wall’s muscle develops, the abdominal contents can poke through. The severity of the hernia determines how debilitating it will be for the patient. However, even if a hernia is relatively small, if it is left untreated, the hernia may progress, resulting in physical difficulties and pain. Plastic surgeons can address hernias while performing other abdominal procedures.
Transgender Surgery
Whether an individual would like a gender transformation from female-to-male (FTM) or from male-to-female (MTF), the plastic surgeons at Lift Plastic Surgery have the experience and revolutionary equipment available to help make this dream a reality.
For transgender procedures, the plastic surgeons at Lift Plastic Surgery work with their office partner Michele Blackwell, MD. She is one of the few surgeons in the Houston area who provides robotic hysterectomies for individuals having FTM gender transformation surgery.
Contact Lift Plastic Surgery in Houston today to learn more about the procedures available at our state-of-the-art office.
Dr. Shitel Patel is dedicated to providing each of his patients with the high-quality, personalized treatment they deserve. Whether you are interested in a plastic surgery procedure, fillers, MTF, FTM or breast reconstruction surgery, contact the office today.
- SlimFit
- Botox
- Injectables & Fillers
- Aesthetician Services
- Chemical Peels
- Laser Hair Removal
- Morpheus 8
- Injectable Appointment
- SkinCeuticals